Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday, May 4th 2008

THis weekend was a rather busy weekend. Rather in fact this is the only weekend in my life that for two consecutive days in a row that I have to wake up as early as 4.30 am in the morning and leave house by 5.15 am. Mind you, it is not as though as I am going to work but to attend to my activities.

Went to attend Preeti's Customary Wedding.

It was interesting as all of us have to be at the temple as early as 6.30am.
Mine oh goodness me........ It was so early in the morning but the effort was worth it.
Cause, I managed to meet up with my council friends. Realized that today, at least half of the girls in the council are married and so far only only 1 guy in council is married. The guys are either single are attached. For those attached, they have been dating as far back as uni days....
That is damm long man.

Was exposed to Indian culture and the immediate family members was very kind and polite to us during the ceremony. Felt as though as i was a VIP as the family gave us a lot of attention even though it is the first time that we have met each other.

Kudos to the family members and friends who made our attendance at the customary and enjoyable one. In fact, we are the only non indians that attended the customary.

We really enjoyed the procession but we wished we were in India as we were informed that the procession in India is more interesting

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