Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday 11 September 2008

Two weeks has passed since i am unemployed. HAve submitted my resumes to a few head hunters and went for few interviews. Be going for my 2nd round interviews tomorrow. I hope i be able to make the session a breeze as what i did the previous time round.

In this 2-3 weeks, i have made certain discovery. And i was amazed that of the discovery that i made. People who are educated are more arrogant and snobbish than any anyone else i know. Well, sad to say, these are the pp that the government have sponsored their education and be working for them. Imagine PSA scholars who are arrogant, rude, selfless and with no human touch drafting out our policies, taking care of security void of human feelings. I fear the future of our society should these people excel as they are self-fish nad self-centered. I was surprised to have cum across such a scholar recently. Looks are totally deceiving.

I was pissed by the actions of the scholar in public being very yaya papaya and rude to the pp in the society. Race/ethnic, fat,slim,lean, muscular,handsome, ugly etc are one of the many faces of people in the world. There should not be any discrimination among us and let us all live in peace and harmony. If the leaders of tommorrow are not able to practice what they preach, i fear our future, my future.

Alternatively, i happen to met a Skin head guy. What is the opinion of the society towards skin head? in fact, when there skins head walking on the road, many will give them the glare n look at them as though they are an alien

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