Monday, November 24, 2008

Exams are over

Finally, my exams are over... Phew.. Hopefully thats the end of my degree course...
Pending submission of my Final Year Project.

Have submitted a request to change my topics for the final year project. Be doinga analysis on depreciation and what is the preferred method of depreciation for manufacturing companies in Singapore and whether changes in depreciation method will affect their operating income.

My supervisor is very strict and doesnt like me at all... He aint very co-operative with me... Well, i do hope he will approve my topic... Hahaha

Pls approve my topic... and i will submit to you my litreature review...

There are a lot of birthday this month... GOsh i going broke soon...

I am getting very worried... The job markey is getting very bad... Will i be emplyed soon? ONe by one, i am getting rejected....This is the longest time i am unemployed.... sigh
pls god help me.... let me employed soon... asap....


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