Sunday, August 24, 2008

23 August o8

Met a new friend today, Raymond. He is working as an engineer in Singapore. I happen to know him thru another friend at a function and we just hit it off.

Happen to bump into him on the train and we decided to go for coffee. Since both of us are early for our appt, we sat down n chat over coffee.

Had a gd chat and we talk abt everything including politics which was great.

He be away on a business trip to china for a mtonth. HOw come all my friends are away on busineess trip and me stuck in SG. Even my friend Yit in ABN is now away ob business trip and he be back end of this month i think

Went for the NCSS 50 anniversary celebrations and i happen to bump into JAck and Rai

Cool, i was happy to bump into them. BOught an autographed CD from them on the spot. I gonna treasure it man.

It was their first album and they are very down to earth pp

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